Dear Visitor!


Let me welcome you on the website of the Embassy of Hungary in Vilnius! As this may be the first time you visit our site, let me introduce you shortly the main principles of our activity and my goals regarding them. Hopefully this information will be useful for you so much that I can welcome you personally as well on one of our events or you get in contact with us on one of our availabilities.  

It is a special honor for me to represent my country in Lithuania as an ambassador. Honor and challenge at the same time, as we need to do well in the dynamically developing world of foreign trade and foreign affairs continuously seeking the new opportunities of cooperation. We can say we are lucky because as the members of EU and NATO both Hungary and Lithuania belong to the same ally, our foreign trade are under one regulation.

As an ambassador who believes in continuous dialogue between nations, in the necessity of the maintenance of the cooperation and its’ improvement, my aim is to promote dialogue between Hungary and Lithuania, in political and in economic terms as well. I believe that in success – let it be a productive governmental negotiation or a realized business deal – besides the dedicated working hours and energy, common Christian traditions and cultural identities also play significant role. These together, like in case of Hungary and Lithuania, the situation is full of hopes. Our bilateral relations have great potential. As an Ambassador I would like to pay high attention to university scholarships, touristic relations as these fields, likewise the political dialogue and economic relations, serve the interest of both countries. In this dialogue I regard Hungarians in Lithuania as a relevant link. I strongly believe that supporting the Hungarian community in Lithuania is not only my task but also my duty.

And finally as a person who has keen interest in history, let me bring you an example from history: Gintaro kelias, in Hungarian Borostyánút (in English Amber Road) was a trade route which had a great significance already in the ancient times as a connection between the Baltic Sea and the areas in the South. Traces of the Amber Road can still be found in several towns of Hungary. As an Ambassador I work on filling the modern age’s Amber Road – in form of bilateral relations – with contents of merit. In our daily life, our embassy works on practical and result-oriented solutions and on the realization and implementation of ideas.

In case of having interest in the actualities of the Hungarian-Lithuanian relations, in Hungarian community, our events, foreign trade and investment opportunities, or would like to get in contact with us, have a look at our website, join us on Facebook or meet us personally.